Anglicanism is a worldwide body of Christians that traces its history to the Church of England. Anglicanism brings together the theology of the Protestant reformation with the beauty of historic worship. We are a global family living out our common faith in local communities.
We are an Anglican Church affiliated with the Anglican Church in North America. This site has a lot of great information. Please check it out here.
We are a founding member of the Anglican Diocese of the Southwest, after leaving our former denomination in 2007. The ADSW encompasses churches in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and Mexico. Check out our diocesan website here.
If you would like to learn more about Anglicanism,
here are some recommended resources:
- The website Anglican Compass is found here. This is a great place to start and has a LOT of information about all things Anglican.
- We recommend the book Simply Anglican, by Winfield Bevins, which is available from the Church of St. Clement, or here.
Our beliefs and doctrine are found in the following documents (Please click on each for their link):
- The Holy Bible - The English Standard Version is the one we use in our worship services.
- The Book of Common Prayer (2019) - The official ACNA Book of Common Prayer)
- The Apostles Creed - An early statement of faith, originally used in the service for Baptism.
- The Nicene Creed - Dating to 325 A.D., the product of the First Council of Nicaea
- The Thirty Nine Articles of Religion (Found in the Book of Common Prayer above)
- To Be A Christian - An Anglican Catechism
- The Jerusalem Declaration