10:45 AM Sunday Service Live Stream HERE
service times
SATURDAY - 5:00 p.m. Contemporary Service
SUNDAY - 8:30 a.m. Traditional Service with Nursery and Children's Ministry
10:45 a.m. Contemporary Service with Nursery and Children's Ministry
DOMINGO - 10:45 a.m. Servicio en español (Iglesia Rey de Paz) en la Capilla McKee
latest sermon
UpComing Events
Below you can find St. Clement's Upcoming Events. For more events and a complete calendar click here
adult sunday bible school
Sundays at 10:00 am
Monday ladies bible study - 5:30 pm
Meeting are in the Mayfield Room. They are starting a new study on Oct. 7, discussing "The Mystery of the Trinity" by R.C. Sproul. All women are welcome!
wednesday ladies bible study - 9 am
Meetings are in the Mayfield Room. They will be starting a new study on Sept. 18, reviewing Philippians together. All women are welcome!
Directions TO the Church of St. Clement
The Church of St. Clement is on the corner of Montana and Campbell Streets in El Paso, Texas. You may park in the lots on either side of Montana Street, or on Yandell Street. For worship services, you may enter either through the front doors of the sanctuary, or from the parking lot on Montana Street.